Vaya, ahora sí que me pasé con lo perdida! Life has been happening really fast and furious these days and all my posts get written in my head because I still haven’t found how to download those directly to this here blog. Brain to blog in its pureness. How beautiful would that be?
One of those posts I’ve been brain writing for a while now is a celebration, a shout-out, an acknowledgment to all those amazing friends that surround me either physically, digitally, or spiritually (or all!) that have taken reign of their passions and what drives them to create the life they want. It takes muchísimos guts, patience and vision to make it happen, so I want to use this space to celebrate them, my FRIENDPRENEURS, and for you to *meet* them in all their glory.
Since this is the first installment and I just need to get this out of me, I’m going to feature one mujer with more to come every day this week. Then, I’ll do my best to feature at least one every week. Muy sencillo, pero con el alma.
The Goddess #Friendpreneur
Morena Escardó never ceases to amaze me. I met her many years ago when I had just launched SpanglishBaby and was still figuring out motherhood. She was staying in L.A. for a few months with a mutual good friend. We bonded immediately over vegan food. I’m not a vegan, but I love good vegan food.
Morena and her beautiful (parecen hermanas!) mamá, Morena Cuadra, created the blog a few years ago and quickly exploded in the food blogging scene. They co-wrote the Everything Peruvian Cookbook, the Delightful Quinoa Recipes e-book and Detox Juicing: 3-Day, 7-Day, and 14-Day Cleanses for Your Health and Well-Being. All in less than three years. ¿¿Cómo lo hacen??
And through it all, Morena has been studying to become a Health Coach, so she launched the bilingual blog to share her journey and her learnings. This week she started her first Goddess Lifestyle Challenge with her friend Alexandra of PeruFlow. It’s “4 replenishing weeks of juicing, exercise and meditation.” What I’ve loved so far is that the challenges are very simple things to incorporate into our routing: water and lemon juice first thing in the morning, cleaning out our closet and breathing correctly, among others.
Morena is definitely a #friendpreneur because she’s slowly, with her mom, building a business around her lifestyle choices. And that’s not luck, that’s hardcore drive.
What a beautiful and empowering post!
Thank you!! More #friendpreneurs coming this week!